Am I an exclusivist?
A few days ago, I watched the news about immigration policy promises of two presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton....
Understanding LGBTQ
Actually, I don't have much prior knowledge about the LGBTQ community. Korea is more conservative than the U.S.A, particularly about...
Lookism, is this a prejudice or preference?
lookism noun look·ism \ˈlu̇-ki-zəm\ Definition of lookism: prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially...
Movie : Schindler's List (Holocaust)
Last April 12th, Prof. Michelle Mouton will screen Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List at 6:30, Sage 1210. Schindler's List (1993) is...
Protest of the young French against new labor law
Protesters across France are marching to voice their anger at labor reforms being championed by the country's Socialist government....