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Lookism, is this a prejudice or preference?


noun look·ism \ˈlu̇-ki-zəm\

Definition of lookism: prejudice or discrimination based on physical appearance and especially physical appearance believed to fall short of societal notions of beauty

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There are a lot of -isms in the English language but most people overlook lookism. It describes the prejudice or discrimination people have toward others because of their appearances. People first used the word in the late 1970s in reference to how people were viewing others who were heavier set. Today the panorama of lookism extends from the "overly" beautiful actor or actress to the homely child. Economists, sociologists, and psychologists alike pay close attention to the lookism that occurs in everyday life and examine how it affects people and society as a whole (

As a photo journal project, I searched for lookism and I freaked out how much lookism prevails in our society and how it impacts on people particularly young people. Korea is one of the country which has serious problems of the rampant lookism. You can easily see people who have similar looking in South Korea. Sharpe nose, double eyelid, convex bulge forehead, those are features of face which most Korean prefer.

I also like good looking things. To like the beauty looks natural. However, the reason why it may be the serious problem is that people judge of others by their appearance. This idea causes a negative consequences such as serious depression, unfair discrimination, plastic surgery addition. There's no absolute standard of beauty, but lookism create it and make people believe it.

​​ Especially, the young who are more self conscious than adults can be very sensitive about their appearance. Maybe some of them lose their self-esteem and value of inside beauty.

Lookism is insidiously widespread among us. Not only in entertainment world, but in schools, employment market, sports field, and anywhere. Media incites this appearance centered climate, and instigates cosmetic surgery. Some people gain self confidence through plastic surgery, but it sometimes causes irrevocable side effect.

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